Step-by-StepThe Journey

Embarking on the path to parenthood is a unique and personal experience. At Hestia, we’re here to guide you through each step of your fertility journey with care and expertise.

Hestia Day 2

1. Baseline Assessment:

A transvaginal ultrasound and blood tests are conducted. The ultrasound determines follicle count, ensuring no cysts or follicles over 10 mm are present.

Baseline blood work confirm hormone levels are within range, which is essential for medication response assessment.

2. Starting Hormone Injections:

If both ultrasound and bloodwork are normal, we determine when you would start applying injections.

Injections are administered once or twice daily, all subcutaneously.

Our Hestia Team will teach you how to prepare injections. Additionally, our app provides helpful videos for self-administration.

Hestia Day 6

3. Monitoring Appointments:

You will attend regular monitoring appointments for ultrasound and blood work. These appointments are generally on days 4, 6, 8  and 10 counting off from the first day of injections.

Between days 10 and 12, we assess your response to the cycle to determine the ideal time for the final course of medications.

Hestia Syringe

4. Trigger Medications:

Known as the “Trigger shot”,  these medications simulate molecular changes during ovulation.

They are administered EXACTLY 36 hours before the scheduled egg retrieval procedure.

*Importance of Trigger Shot*

It is critical for egg maturation, which makes egg extraction easier. 

5. Timing and Application:

You will apply one or two medications precisely 36 hours before the scheduled procedure.

It is one of the most crucial steps, timely application is of extreme importance.

6. Post-Trigger Blood Test:

Visit the clinic for a blood test the day after the trigger to confirm hormonal changes.

Hestia Egg Retrieval

7. Pre-Procedure Preparations:

You need to fast completely (including liquids) from 10 PM the night before the egg retrieval.

8. Egg Retrieval Day:

You should arrive at the clinic in comfortable clothing, preferably with your partner or friend.

The procedure is performed under sedation for your comfort.

9. During the Procedure:

An intravenous line is placed to administer medications and anesthesia. Our anesthesiologist monitors your vital signs throughout.

A transvaginal ultrasound guides the needle to aspirate fluid from each one of the follicles.

Hestia Recovery

10. Recovery Process:

The entire procedure takes about 15 to 30 minutes. Afterward, you will rest comfortably in the recovery area for approximately 30 minutes.

11. Post-Procedure Instructions:

Once you feel well and without any dizziness, you will be able to get dressed. You will also receive information and care instructions for the rest of the day.

12. Post-Retrieval Recovery:

We recommend resting and allowing yourself time to recover.

13. Period After Retrieval:

Expect your period to return in 10 to 12 days after the procedure.